One Amazing Tool Your Flight Department Can Start Using to Build Trust and Encourage Teamwork

Who wouldn’t like to increase the trust level in their flight department? It’s key to a safe and professional work environment.

But that’s not all it takes. Look at some of the other benefits this tool has to offer your flight operation.

  • A means to identify and mitigate risks
  • A tool to spur a proactive mentality
  • A lead for setting team goals
  • An indicator for training and safety measures
  • A way to encourage trust and teamwork
  • A lens to help focus on issues and not individuals
  • A vehicle to build a pilot’s confidence in his/her skills

If these are all traits that you desire to see growing in your department, then you’ve come to the right place. Sit back and listen to this interview with Steve Charbonneau. His passion is contagious.

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